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Worship & Music Ministries

Worship Arts
Sunday and special worship services are the heartbeat of West Los Angeles UMC, bringing together the Word and the message, with beautiful music, choral anthems, prayer, and congregational singing and spiritual engagement. Lay persons serve as liturgists, scripture readers, musicians, and children’s message leaders each week. Contemporary music with the Praise Band is featured on the last Sunday of the month. Worship is provided live and online. Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to partake. West Los Angeles UMC follows the Christian liturgical calendar observing Advent, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Good Friday, Easter, Pentecost, typically with special worship services.


West Los Angeles UMC celebrates a rich tradition of music in its weekly worship services, led by the Music Director and gifted accompanist/organist, and featuring the Chancel Choir, Praise Band, and soloists. Adult and children’s bell choirs, an Irish Praise Band, Joyful Noise a capella ensemble, and children’s groups enhance worship and special events, along with the congregational singing of hymns – both traditional and contemporary. The Japanese language worship highlights its vocal group and accompaniment, with holiday children’s programs. Through music ministries, participants develop and share their musical gifts in a welcoming space of spiritual engagement during rehearsals and worship.

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